Best Remedies To Sooth Sprains

Sprains come in all forms and intensities. The treatment best suited to each depends on the kind of relief required. There are many treatments for sprains, but none that work for everybody. Each treatment, whether......

How To Get Rid Of Corns And Caluses

Everybody develops a corn or callus somewhere on their feet eventually. It need not to be as long-lasting or problematic as you might imagine. Corns and calluses are results of prolonged skin stress. Cramped shoes,......

How To Get Rid Of Undereye Circles

Dark circles can either be a temporary skin issue or could become a chronic feature of your face, depending on how urgently you treat it.  Dark circles are one of those subtle skin symptoms that......

How To Pick The Right Anti-Ageing Cream

Picking a suitable anti-ageing can be tricky. But it can get simpler if you apply a few basic principles to choosing the right anti-ageing products for your skin. Picking the right anti-ageing cream can get......

How To Prevent Skin Problems

Your skin tolerates a whole lot on a daily basis. It might help elongate its life span if you took care of it a little better. Skin is probably most rugged of all our organs.......

Simple Steps To Control Eczema

Eczema is not a difficult skin infection to control. Yet, many people let it fester till it becomes a chronic scar on their bodies. Eczema is a skin infection which can be both, infectious and......

Why Doctors Want Skin Whitening Creams Banned

For the millions across the developing world who use skin whitening creams, it could prove to be a slow road to chronic skin scars and disease.  Skin whitening has almost become a cultural phenomenon, across......

Why Marijuana Creams Might Be Good For You

Marijuana is making a mark as a skincare product, which could give pot the critical mass of commercial production it deserves. Cannabis deregulation has come a long way. From being a controlled grade-A drug in......